New Zealand Travel Bucket List

When we first got here to New Zealand nearly five months ago, Emmett and I made a "bucket list" of things that we hoped to do during our Working Holiday. We've added a few more things to our list as we've heard about them from other travelers, but for the most part it hasn't changed. We've actually done quite a few of these things already - each one with stars after it has been accomplished. As I make posts about each of these, I'll add links to them. Some of the items won't necessarily warrant their own post so I've included some pictures within this list.

Visit Waiheke Island.


Make our own personal hot tub at Hot Water Beach.

hot water beach
taupo hot springs
franz josef glacier heli hike

Go "blackwater rafting" in a glowworm cave.

Photo taken in the cave by our guides from The Legendary Black Water Rafting Co.

Photo taken in the cave by our guides from The Legendary Black Water Rafting Co.

rotorua mud

Drive successfully on the left.

Check out the Morekai Boulders.


Visit Weta Workshops in Wellington.

weta workshop

Check out Cathedral Cove in Coromandel.

cathedral cove



See kea (the world's only alpine parrots).

doubtful sound cruise
mt cook

Take a ferry across the Cook Strait.

Goodbye, North Island!

Goodbye, North Island!