Life Lately: Driving the South Island & Car Camping

Last month, Emmett and I purchased a car. A 1999 Subaru Legacy hatchback, to be exact. (You may recognize it from the first picture of this Milford post). We deemed our car "Poot-poot" since sometimes she poots along until she decides to kick into drive. Poot-poot is now the closest thing we have to home as we transition into a new community and job situation at the opposite end of the South Island in the sunny Tasman region. In order to get up here, we put in a decent amount of driving hours & about 1,000 more kilometers in Poot-poot. Soon enough, when we start working (we've got a job in a fruit packhouse starting in a few weeks!) we'll settle in somewhere. For now, though, we're living out of the car.

Here's a photo digest of what we've been up to on our route north from Invercargill to Tasman:

Side Trip 1: Morekai Boulders in Otago


Side Trip 2: Go-Kart Racing at Supa Karts in Christchurch

Along the Way: Driving Through Lewis Pass

Side Trip 3: Maruia Falls in Murchison

Exploring Tasman

Clockwise from left: Fruit & veg stands on the Motueka Valley Highway, Historic Motueka Saltwater Baths, and the Shipwreck of the Janie Seddon.

Car Camping/Living

Now you know that we're just two snug campers in a hatchback, seeing some beautiful sights.